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WTB Copper Bar
If you have Copper Bar/Brass Bar, let me know. Paying in gold or [spoiler=mats / stuff]
(I can also sell these things for gold)

I still need:
  • 10 x Copper Bar - paying 180k each
  • 2 x Relic Fragment - paying 400k each

PS. Prices are negotiable.
Legendaries looted:
• 07.11.2013 - Durendal
• 28.02.2017 - Thanos Legacy
• 05.03.2017 - Ornate Arming Helmet
• 05.03.2018 - Ailadrodd

[Image: v1.png]

Messages In This Thread
WTB Copper Bar - by Lone_Wolf_PL - 28-03-2014, 08:38 PM
Re: WTB Eagle Feather - by Lone_Wolf_PL - 08-04-2014, 04:12 PM
Re: WTB Eagle Feather & Sulphur - by TH_idontknow - 19-04-2014, 01:23 PM
Re: WTB Copper Bar & More green mats - by Crypt - 10-05-2014, 03:59 PM

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