05-04-2014, 03:32 AM
Ingame Name: [THF]ScubaSteve
Player ID: 2450269
Level: 41
Class: Pikeman
Cavalry: haven't used cavalry so tier 0
Support Class: Field Medic
Crafting Profession and Level: 7 Blacksmith
Availability: Weekday afternoons, Most of the weekend (varies)
Region: NA
Age: 18
Personal Statement: A high school senior, who is going to a science and technology university next year to study Aerospace Engineering.
Player ID: 2450269
Level: 41
Class: Pikeman
Cavalry: haven't used cavalry so tier 0
Support Class: Field Medic
Crafting Profession and Level: 7 Blacksmith
Availability: Weekday afternoons, Most of the weekend (varies)
Region: NA
Age: 18
Personal Statement: A high school senior, who is going to a science and technology university next year to study Aerospace Engineering.