16-04-2014, 04:28 AM
Kill these Nords and you shall be rewarded with your very first barricade!
Kill the Following
x100 Nord Peasant
x50 Nord Militia
x25 Nord Farm Hand
x50 Nord Follower
x25 Nord Slaver
x25 Nord Bandit
x25 Nord Intruder
x25 Nord Recruit
x25 Nord Trained Recruit
x25 Nord Levy Militia
Reward:x1 Normal Barricade Not repeatable.
Kill the Following
x100 Nord Peasant
x50 Nord Militia
x25 Nord Farm Hand
x50 Nord Follower
x25 Nord Slaver
x25 Nord Bandit
x25 Nord Intruder
x25 Nord Recruit
x25 Nord Trained Recruit
x25 Nord Levy Militia
Reward:x1 Normal Barricade Not repeatable.