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"Google Roulette" is what my friend calls it
    The dog jumped over the moon, and ate a spoon, and baboon. The baboon ate a mouse, which ate a house, which killed the mouse (due to bloating of the mouses stomach) and caused a bit of greif among the mouse family, who was inside the house that the mouse ate. The mouse was inside the baboon, the baboon inside of a dog, over the moon, with a spoon.
    The dogs jump the moon, spoon, eat, eat, eat in home babun.Babun mouse, kill mice, a symbol of the mouse bladder), the mice jedla.Myš baboons baboon dog month, family Gravesnorvegicus a small spoon.

Now... since the original paragraph didn't make much sense in the first place, that is a cause for the translated one to be all the more ridiculous.
Don't say ANYTHING.
What, do you expect a speech?

Messages In This Thread
Re: "Google Roulette" is what my friend calls it - by Annoying_Archer - 29-03-2012, 12:40 AM

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