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NordInvasion Weekly Event 1st Trial (Sat 14th April - 9pm GMT) - Sign Up here!
It's the Captain's decision ultimately but this is the guide Mr G has written up for the engineer role so far.


Tasks: Construct defences in strategic positions across the map
Equipment: Any weapon | Barricade or Heavy Barricade
Description: The role of the Engineer is to construct defences in positions specified by the captain during the beginning of the game and then after every re-spawn. Ideally, the player will re-spawn at every possible occasion to bring more defences, but this can be decided by the captain during the event.

However you can refer to Hypernoma's more specific thread here.


Event starts in 2 hours 15 minutes. Please be in teamspeak in 2 hours.
[align=center][Image: birdtalon.png]

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Re: NordInvasion Weekly Event 1st Trial (Sat 14th April - 9pm GMT) - Sign Up here! - by Birdtalon - 14-04-2012, 05:46 PM

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