05-08-2014, 06:28 PM
Character Name: vPaperMario_Pike, vPaperMario_Archer, vPaperMario_Inf
Steam Name: xiow3nx
Do You Have TS3 and a Mic: Aye and Aye
Region: England
Character ID: 2487409
Class and Level: Pike lvl 42, Archer lvl 17, Inf lvl 21
Support/tier: Engineer
Why you want to join HD: Cause Poly's in HD and they're really nice :3
Steam Name: xiow3nx
Do You Have TS3 and a Mic: Aye and Aye
Region: England
Character ID: 2487409
Class and Level: Pike lvl 42, Archer lvl 17, Inf lvl 21
Support/tier: Engineer
Why you want to join HD: Cause Poly's in HD and they're really nice :3