09-08-2014, 02:15 AM
Ingame Name: Michael_Archer
Age: 13
Steam Name: Michael (Address- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...00012/home )
Character ID: 2462265
Level: 32 Tinkerer
Class: Heavy Longbowman
Do you have TS and a Mic: Yes
Reason for wanting to join : I just feel like playing a fun game, with a fun group of guys, with dedication and teamwork.
Personal Statement: I am from South Africa, I would rather do a part for the team, that advantages the team as a whole, rather than just myself. I do need a little 'polish around the edges' as they say but I am a quick learner. I am at my mothers house every 2nd weekend, but at my dad's for the rest. Cant wait to meet you guys and have a game with you all!
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Age: 13
Steam Name: Michael (Address- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...00012/home )
Character ID: 2462265
Level: 32 Tinkerer
Class: Heavy Longbowman
Do you have TS and a Mic: Yes
Reason for wanting to join : I just feel like playing a fun game, with a fun group of guys, with dedication and teamwork.
Personal Statement: I am from South Africa, I would rather do a part for the team, that advantages the team as a whole, rather than just myself. I do need a little 'polish around the edges' as they say but I am a quick learner. I am at my mothers house every 2nd weekend, but at my dad's for the rest. Cant wait to meet you guys and have a game with you all!
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