25-08-2014, 06:10 PM
Yes, keep the gear you currently have not. It is okay. Just save up you gold till Tier 4, which is Pikeman. The body armour at t4 is 30k and the helm is 8k or so. You do not need to buy boots. The Javs you have are good, but if you want more damage get Jarids, which is market place items and 8k I think.
[LK]Maximus(Zweihander) - [LK]Felix(Chosen Marksmen) - [LK]Michael(Pikeman) - [LK]Linda(Legionnaire)
[LK]Maximus(Zweihander) - [LK]Felix(Chosen Marksmen) - [LK]Michael(Pikeman) - [LK]Linda(Legionnaire)