Starred items are used more than once
When you Break Veloran Plate:
Some items are not for sale.
Armory Layout made by NKA
[Image: coins.png]1.1 Mill
Midrens Collection of Hated Things
Cuir Bouilli
Straw Hat
Cupid Arrows
Ghastly Hood
When you Break Veloran Plate:
Some items are not for sale.
Armory Layout made by NKA
Infantry Gear:
Swadian Guantlets
Slayer Armour
Swadian Kite Shield
Visored Sallet
Steel Cutter
Swadian Heater Shield
2x Griffon
Gothic Plate
Battle Honed Dwarf Axe
Archer Gear:
Heavy Bear Gauntlets
Heavy Bear Armour
Bronze Arrows
Pikeman Gear: Sun Glaive Skull Piercer
Pikemans Heavy Scaled Vest
Black Steel Spear
Leather Overmail
Thanos Legacy |
Crossbow Gear:
Noble Bastion
Elegant Crossbow
Bronze Bolts
Plate Mittens |
Support Items: 1 x Medic Box 3 x Small Ammo Crate 5 x Simple Medic Box 1 x Barricade Tome
Wall Barricade
Master Surgeon Kit |
Horses: Destrier Dark Heavy Plate Armor [/b] |
[Image: coins.png]1.1 Mill
Midrens Collection of Hated Things
Cuir Bouilli
Straw Hat
Cupid Arrows
Ghastly Hood