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WTB: Materials
Bought! Thanks for everyone who took my gold!
As payment i will use gold and nikolskoe, after nikolkoe is sold more gold will be there!

1x Damascus steel. 85k for it
10 x Hardened Metal.
53 1x Sulphur. 85k
101 x Heavy Cloth     
60 x Construction Tools 
35 x Chain Links            
34 x Coal. 102k for all
27 x Black Steel. 270k for all         
33 x Shade Ore, 3k each
15x blade shards.

Messages In This Thread
WTB: Materials - by Takeo - 16-09-2014, 05:24 PM
Re: WTB: Materials - by Takeo - 26-09-2014, 11:36 AM

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