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How is my gear for my current level and tier, and how long will it serve me for?
Both of these posts contain great advice for leveling a pikeman.
i leveled my first pikeman with craftable javs and eastern brown robes armor til t3 (craftable javs are way better than any marketplace throwable available until t4 imo), dumping all assist into melee and support. This helps you get to t3 quicker as well.
skirm was one of the most fun and easy classes to level imo, and when you get to t3 (after leveling yr support up and getting a support item), you have access to swadian halberd.

ps. there are some craftable javs on AH for about 7-8k (a little cheaper than buying mats if you're doing that(
Deerheart: Royal ShielDeer | Eikthyrnir: Antlered Legionnaire | Cernunnos: Pavise ShielDeer | CerynianHind: Master of Pelts | Hart_Or: HalberDeer | Furcifer: Warden of the Wood

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Re: How is my gear for my current level and tier, and how long will it serve me for? - by Deerheart - 25-09-2014, 06:38 PM

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