07-10-2014, 09:14 PM
The only time you cant shield is if you have no healers i believe. In respect of 'all the toming' what ate you doing in your runs to need to excessive tome that you don't have enough time? As a team wr managed to double wall cade set up barrell and make outrages amounts of throwable wep stacks and still have enough time to sit and do nothing
52 - Chosen Marksmen
52 - Royal Guard
52 - Marauder
52 - Warden
Irish to Turtle "Get away from me with that hat on"
Elmo "Well yeah you are just drowning it with oxygen"
52 - Royal Guard
52 - Marauder
52 - Warden
Irish to Turtle "Get away from me with that hat on"
Elmo "Well yeah you are just drowning it with oxygen"