08-10-2014, 08:40 AM
Ingame Name: Bradah
Steam Name: Donkey
Player ID: 21927
Level: 46
Class: Pikeman
Support Class: Apprentice
Region: AU
Age: 22
Teamspeak: Yes
About how long have you been playing NI: At least 3 - 4 months over the last couple of years.
Why do you want to join our house?: I want to join a house to improve my character and LoC seem like the best AU house.
Do you understand that our house is primarily Australian?: Yes
Steam Name: Donkey
Player ID: 21927
Level: 46
Class: Pikeman
Support Class: Apprentice
Region: AU
Age: 22
Teamspeak: Yes
About how long have you been playing NI: At least 3 - 4 months over the last couple of years.
Why do you want to join our house?: I want to join a house to improve my character and LoC seem like the best AU house.
Do you understand that our house is primarily Australian?: Yes