09-10-2014, 03:40 PM
Ingame Name: Hoplonski \ Achaeon \ _Hoplonski_
Steam Name: Hoplonski
Player ID: 2485089 \ 2487720 \ 2486452
Level: 48 \ 49 \ 46
Class: Pikeman \ Sniper \ Commando
Support Class:T-3 Eng \ T-3 Medic\ T-2 Eng
Teamspeak: Teamspeak, but no mic as yet.
About how long have you been playing NI: Three months or so.
Why do you want to join our house?: I've noticed a lot of skilled and sensible players bearing the LoC banner. I'd like to be one of them.
Do you understand that our house is primarily Australian?: Yarp.
Steam Name: Hoplonski
Player ID: 2485089 \ 2487720 \ 2486452
Level: 48 \ 49 \ 46
Class: Pikeman \ Sniper \ Commando
Support Class:T-3 Eng \ T-3 Medic\ T-2 Eng
Teamspeak: Teamspeak, but no mic as yet.
About how long have you been playing NI: Three months or so.
Why do you want to join our house?: I've noticed a lot of skilled and sensible players bearing the LoC banner. I'd like to be one of them.
Do you understand that our house is primarily Australian?: Yarp.