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┼Ɽuᵰȝᵴ┼ for Weapons|Armors
Hey folks,

Today i got a new idea how to "improve"/make weapons|Armors more intresting in Nord Invasion- with runes. I know some of you guys get now reminded of Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor-thats where i got this idea from.But it should be a bit different: Runes should be lootable(as runes/rune stones were carried by nords) like High-Materials or even Legendarys .There should be multiple types of runes which can improve your weapon|armor stats(just the stats+maybe the name-but not the appearance) with their properties , for instance :
-Fire Rune [reinforces the damage of your weapon]
-Rune of Lightness [increases the agility while wearing your armor|the speed of your weapon|speed of your horse]
-Rune of Defense [increases the hitpoints of shields or armors]

The Runes that you found can be put in the armor|weapon|shield on the webside.Just one Rune can be put into your item and it cannot be removed(so be careful).

Improvements and suggestions are welcome Wink

Greetz ┼₣LΩҞI┼™                                             
Legendary loot:
EasternFullScale 3rd of October2014
Shield of Kings 7th of December 2014
Mangler 25th of August 2015

Messages In This Thread
┼Ɽuᵰȝᵴ┼ for Weapons|Armors - by Floki - 13-10-2014, 08:01 PM
Re: ┼Ɽuᵰȝᵴ┼ for Weapons|Armors - by madjsoh - 13-10-2014, 08:13 PM

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