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Lords of Calradia [LoC] [All Regions] [AU Based] [39+ Recommended]
Ingame Name: iLike2ThrowSticks, Deerpig, Deerwhale, Deerpig2.
Steam Name: Deerpig.
Player ID: 2483636(iLike2ThrowSticks), 2477090(Deerpig), 2478241(Deerwhale), 2478169(Deerpig2)
Level: iLike2ThrowSticks=48, Deerpig=42, Deerwhale=43, Deerpig2=16.
Class: Pikeman(iLike2ThrowSticks), Sharpshooter(Deerpig), Commando(Deerwhale), Longbowman(Deerpig2).
Support Class: T2 Engineer(iLike2ThrowSticks), T3 Engineer(Deerpig), T2 Engineer(Deerwhale), Nothing(Deerpig2).
Region: NA.
Age: 16.
Teamspeak: No.
About how long have you been playing NI: 8 months.
Why do you want to join our house?: My previous house, HD(A House Divided) has been dispersed, and I am in need of a new house. I want to be able to take part in group events and be able to trade through my accounts. I also am willing to help people who need help, and would do my best to be a team player and help make a good name for this house.
Do you understand that our house is primarily Australian?: Yes, I fully understand. I tend to have minor ping lag on all servers, but it usually is only an issue when it's an issue for everyone else as well(when the entire server is acting up.)
I don't know what you don't want me to say, but I'll say it anyway

Messages In This Thread
Re: Lords of Calradia [LoC] [All Regions] [AU Primary] [32+ Recommended] [AU Open] - by Deerpig - 19-12-2014, 03:07 AM

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