20-12-2014, 10:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 26-12-2014, 07:20 PM by YuriTheRed.)
Welcome to the Official Christmas Event #1!
We are doing something special for christmas. It will be similar as for halloween event.
Event starts in: [countdown=12,26,2014,19,00]Event has started[/countdown]
FIle : http://nordinvasion.com/releases/xmas_event.zip
Sign up below using the format provided

Sign up starts in: [size=12pt][b][countdown=12,21,2014,12,00]Sign up has started[/countdown]
Event Time
19:00 GMT (British Time)
20:00 CET (Central European Time)
21:00 EET (Eastern European Time)
12:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
15:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
04:30 CDT (Australian Central Time) [next day]
If you dont know what time zone you are in go here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
We will all gather in a dedicated channel in the Nord Invasion Teamspeak (ts3.nordinvasion.com), 15-20 minutes before the event begins. The password will be given out in TS, when you will all be able to join the server. (This is required for the event, a microphone however is not unless you wish to be captain)
If you wish to join the event please post the following:
Character Name:
Volunteer to be Captain?

For information about the roles please check this thread
Remember to follow these rules
Depending on the numbers we may need extra Captains so please state if you wish to take the lead - you will be responsible for organising the defences, managing the team and also assigning medals to the players that you think deserve them (again, check the thread mentioned above for more information).
Shielder (0)
| Attacker (0)
| Skirmisher (0)
| Archer ( [b]0 ) [/b]
| Sharpshooter (0)
| Medic (0)
| Engineer (0)
| Reserved (0)
(The [H] or [N] next to the players name indicates Hard or Normal server, Sa or Su will indicate Saturday or Sunday)[i]
Players in [i]italics are repeated in various roles.
Players with (Capt) next to their name have volunteered to be a Captain
Maps in consideration:
Remember, If you perform well in the event, you may earn yourself a medal!
[glow=red,2,300]Please also keep the spam in this thread to a minimum - that means only post if you are signing up or have questions relevant to the event.[/glow]
Discussion Thread
"Deer": i want to go to sleep, but i might wake up and not have a house anymore
"Deer": and CC would have grown
"Deer": i wish people would pay me to do things i dont know how to do
"Deer": and CC would have grown
"Deer": i wish people would pay me to do things i dont know how to do