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Various ideas
Quote:- Being able to craft chains links, construction tools, processed wood, Skull Fragment quicker ( I'm too lazy to spend half an hour in crafting ).

There is a pretty simple way to craft multiple items at once and I don't believe it is against the rules.  Although if the Devs wanted to normalize crafting times I guess I wouldn't be opposed conversely though if low level items take small amounts of time shouldn't high level items take more?

Quote:- The Dragon Halberd should be available on horse. Why ? Because the Dragon halberd is the only polearm with which you can't stab ( You can do it with Sun Pike, Thunder Pike, Pike of Kings, Dragon spear ) and which is not usable on horse. ( You can't stab with the naval glaive but it's usable on horse for example ).

I agree with the general idea.  More polearms need to be useable on horseback.  The complete revamp or at least some serious tweaking of Cav mode in general could go along with this.

Quote:- On the website, in " quests ", there should be a shortcut ( called "Next" ) to check our quests faster.

Please elaborate.  As the suggestion stands it sounds like needless bloat and completely unnecessary.

Quote:- We shouldn't be able to craft Hardened leather anymore/ We shouldn't be able to loot Hardened leather anymore.

I thought they removed it as a drop.  So it makes sense that we can craft it since it is still needed for certain recipes.  Don't really understand this one.

Quote:- We should find a way to make the following materials ( more ) useful : bear fur ; zinc shards, raven feather, bone shard, mixed glue, mystic charm, sparkly necklace, antiseptic cloth, bone powder, woven steel, twisted string. They worth almost nothing so adding 200x Sparkly Necklace or 50x bear fur to a recipe for example would make them useful.

I'm going to have to agree to a point.  Some of the mats do seem to be under represented across the crafting system.  Why don't you make some models for the Pikeman stuff you suggested and then suggest crafting costs with things like zinc shards or bear fur for these new items.  Please do your research beforehand and make sure the costs are relative.  Some of the mats though are unique and make sense for what they are like Twisted String for instance.  Bone Shards and Mixed Glue?  Those are used in many many recipes so I don't understand your inclusion of those and others like them however.

Quote:- Nords could  drop money. For example : You found 300g gold.

No.  I despise inflation.  Leave gold as it is.

Quote:- There could  be some craftable boots or gaunlets for Pikeman. At the moment you can only buy these things on AH. ( Already suggested )

I fully support this.  Multiple people have requested this type of thing and basically the answer always is, "We need models."  Make some models that match with a multitude of end game armors and I'm sure the Devs would love to implement them.

Quote:- Showing the reward from the Quest we just finished.

I like this idea.  Makes complete sense.  You already receive a message telling you that you completed the quest.  Why shouldn't it include what you actually did to complete the quest?

Quote:- Set up a kind of join queue mechanism : This would be in the form of a straight queue, with no prioritization. The first person to join the queue will be first to join the server when there is room available.
P.S. : I can feel that will be a controversial subject. Tongue

I already suggested reserve server slots for donators and people hated it.  This is a similar idea but minus donator preference obviously.  It seems like 16 slots is the limit.  A queue system wouldn't be possible as I understand it and is basically the same thing as hidden slots which the system just can't support.  Again as I understand it, I could be completely wrong.

Quote:- The 18th wave in ragnarok should be buffed. At the moment, Sniper's wave (18) is easier than Follower's wave (6).

That's relative I believe.  Recently I have been one shot in some of the best gear on the game with my shield up from Snipers.  The vast majority of the time though I can see your point.  But like Winter noted; Try playing against Fatsods or Princess with weak Commandos, poor shields, and no hammers.

Quote:- Creating a new support item : The " Boody Trap ". It would work as the same way as the traps in Hyper's Hell but for the Nords. We would place our " boody trap " wherever we want and the Nords would fall on this trap. It could be a trap which kills the bot(s) or it also could be a trap which doesn't kill them but makes them harmless or in any case, immobile ( a kind of trapping pit for Humans ).
Thanks to these traps, you would earn xp/loot and it would be used to kill the 4-5 fastest bots and not in the intention to make a short-range damage ( that would make the diffenrece with the barrel ). It would be better if it's not usable on boss waves ( Bosses are often faster than Nords ).

You mean "booby" trap first of all.  While an interesting idea I feel that Ragnarok mode is already easy enough at this point.  Caltrops and this could be useful for causing status effects such as slowness or other attribute effects but like I said before the game modes we have are already easy enough.  All Nords would need a big buff to account for these items. 

On the other hand I suppose you could add a third support class named "Traps" and add caltrops and these to it.  Make it only learnable by Bards who can also sing to create unique status effects for friends and enemies.

Messages In This Thread
Various ideas - by The_Lion_Yokmen - 29-01-2015, 04:04 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Sargent Q - 29-01-2015, 04:18 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Alpha - 29-01-2015, 04:52 PM
Re: Various ideas - by The_Lion_Yokmen - 29-01-2015, 06:41 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Jalau - 29-01-2015, 08:59 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Bobo - 30-01-2015, 12:16 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Maroon - 30-01-2015, 12:25 PM
Re: Various ideas - by The_Lion_Yokmen - 30-01-2015, 12:35 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Jalau - 30-01-2015, 12:47 PM
Re: Various ideas - by slayer - 30-01-2015, 01:14 PM
Re: Various ideas - by SovietMcLenin - 30-01-2015, 01:56 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Jalau - 30-01-2015, 02:23 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Winter - 30-01-2015, 09:22 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Spoop - 30-01-2015, 09:58 PM
Re: Various ideas - by The_Lion_Yokmen - 30-01-2015, 11:51 PM
Re: Various ideas - by Spoop - 31-01-2015, 01:48 AM

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