07-02-2015, 10:18 AM
(07-02-2015, 04:07 AM)Dominik link Wrote: "I must say, not needing to learn mental math or complex equations. Because you have a smartphone in your pocket? Now that is just ridiculous. Also, maybe understand math instead of just using memorization." Mental math and complex equations are two very different things. Mental math and complex equations, that is an even bigger joke, learn these equations so you can do great things, right? Not really, if you were to go to any large building site you would see laptops, now no its not a cell phone but give it a few years and it will be. Same goes for our space programs, and any other job that requires more complex math, they use computers to remove any human error.
My point about learning math in any form, mental or complex is that you need to understand them both. Yes we have computers, but you still need to undertand the principels the computer uses.
Claiming that we dont need mental math or complex math teachings because we have a computer that can do it for you (even though it's better and faster than you) is really not a good idea. This will just create a generation of ignorants who blindly follows the output a computer provides.
And if you read the comments that he posted in response to people he explains that "it's saying topics which aren't practically useful shouldn't stay in school"
I have read his comments. I'm just saying it's narrowminded to assume that if a topic is not practically for you, it must be useless for everyone else.
Don't trust a lying sack of shit (Takeo)