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Which Hero Class is the Best Bang for your Buck?
The armor I have really does not change the damage I do... I'm not sure why you think having higher armor makes you do more damage but it's simply not the case.  I still outscore zweihanders.  This was true when I was wearing the "standard" commando gear (don't even want to touch on the gear the players I'm comparing myself to... suffice to say their gear was a lot better than mine).  This trend continues to be true.  If you'd like to compare the gear being used  ( I'm sure this is your next argument) yes, I do use the Volundr Great Sword.  Oh man that must be why.. oh wait... I drop them for all the other players on the team.  If you'd like to continue saying that I'm wrong I will keep arguing with you all day.  In the end, Mr.Killer is looking for advice on which of the two classes to go.  You pointing out my gear really does not offer anything constructive to the discussion.  People have already stated their opinions on the stats/gear countless times in these stupid threads.  Honestly if you can't figure out which you'd like better from looking at the stats on your own none of these responses will mean a thing.  In the end this decision needs to be made by the individual.  I'll restate since you clearly didn't actually read what I wrote (although you took the time to quote it) - Personal skill and preference mean far more when it comes to the scoreboard than the minimal differences in stats between classes.  Honestly I'd like to never see one of these threads again.  For anyone in the future wondering "what hero should I go??"  PLEASE use the search function and you will find numerous threads that look exactly like the one you are about to write.  this thread is designed for this exact reason.  Use it. 

Messages In This Thread
Re: Which Hero Class is the Best Bang for your Buck? - by Sifu_Flying_Master_Kirito - 19-03-2015, 01:38 AM

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