21-03-2015, 09:10 PM
character name/names/levels : FSA_power_ranger_poxix lvl 52 (currently FSA because i have 4400g i cant rename)
Character Classes : Ranger with ss bow, bronze arrow, swadian surcoat overmail, grinder helmet, SHC
Region(NA,EU,AU) : EU
Character ID's : 2447523
Do you have TS?(Required) : yes
Do you have a Mic for ts?(not required but recommended) : yes
Age : 16
Steam name : poxix or poxix2
Why do you want to join Thanos Guards? : because we are 2 in the FSA house and i want to play with a team. (and i really like your banner =) )
Character Classes : Ranger with ss bow, bronze arrow, swadian surcoat overmail, grinder helmet, SHC
Region(NA,EU,AU) : EU
Character ID's : 2447523
Do you have TS?(Required) : yes
Do you have a Mic for ts?(not required but recommended) : yes
Age : 16
Steam name : poxix or poxix2
Why do you want to join Thanos Guards? : because we are 2 in the FSA house and i want to play with a team. (and i really like your banner =) )
Wielder of the Grosse Messer, bringer of walls, player of the best class in the game.