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WTT: Basic|Processed Wood \\ WTS/WTT: Chain Links
I want to buy around 1´000 Basic Wood.
I offer 85g/each or Processed Wood [1:3 - 1 PW : 3 BW] (negotiable).
Furthermore I'm interested in selling Chain Links or trading them [1:3 with Chain].

[Image: JudIPOt.png]
Prince: 11x  (twice in 1 hour)  Torturer: 39x
Ragnar: 4x                              Nord War Marshal: 9x
Thor: Not my Brother!             Loke: 5x
Odin: 2x                                 Nord Siege Cpt: 19x
Princess Dortea: 1x               ALCHEMIST LEVEL 18!
Got KICKED to death by HANDE twice  || looted 30+ Aketons

Messages In This Thread
WTT: Basic|Processed Wood \\ WTS/WTT: Chain Links - by gvn1999 - 24-04-2015, 05:16 AM

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