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WTS Crafting Mats
Looking for Cash only.

13 x Fine Needle
40 x Needle
25 x Normal Candle
40 x Normal Charcoal
46 x Quality Candle
210 x Quality Charcoal
100 x Quality Grindstone
555 x Antiseptic Cloth
199 x Basic Leather
703 x Basic Wood
117 x Bent Sword
15 x Black Steel
4 x Bone Powder
14 x Chain
133 x Coal
45 x Crooked Stick
11 x Hardened Metal
334 x Heavy Cloth
2635 x Hydra Leaf
113 x Nem Flower
70 x Old Boots
65 x Rough Cloth
215 x Scrap Metal
128 x Shade Ore
43 x Sparkly Necklace
1137 x Spurn Berry
11 x Steel
356 x Sturdy Wood
476 x Twisted String
251 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
1433 x Worm Root
1 x Bear Fur
1 x Bronze Arrowhead
1 x Copper Bar
1 x Damascus Steel
32 x Raven Feather
7 x Scale of Fafnir
1 x Small Lump of Lead
10 x Sulphur
6 x Water of Hvergelmir
2 x Wood of Glasir
19 x Zinc Shard
6 x Armor Plate
9 x Bone Dust
226 x Chain Links
3 x Construction Tools
120 x Dye
243 x Flemish String
13 x Handle
40 x Mixed Glue
13 x Mystic Charm
2 x Oil
3 x Oil of Velentr
185 x Processed Wood
172 x Silk
25 x Skull Fragment
94 x Strap
15 x Wooden Slat
My Steam
Loot:                           M/D/Y
Twig of Yggdrasil - 8/10/2012
Sun Pike - 9/9/2014
Dragon Helm - 1/10/2015
Jormungandr - 2/26/2016

Messages In This Thread
WTS Crafting Mats - by monstersti - 26-04-2015, 07:26 AM
Re: WTS Crafting Mats - by monstersti - 30-04-2015, 02:38 PM
Re: WTS Crafting Mats - by CaptOle - 30-04-2015, 11:43 PM

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