Your Main Character Name:Hired_Nordic_Crossbowmen (I will change it to a non rp name if accepted)
Player ID:2514936,2493976
Class & Tier: SharpShooter/T4/Pikemen/T4
Crafting Level & Type:Alchemist/4
Support Class & Items:T2Engi/Buying PLatform/(In process of leveling to t3)|t3 Medic/Surgeon Kit
Other: Reason for joining is because i need a more active group of players, and i see you all on most of the time.
Player ID:2514936,2493976
Class & Tier: SharpShooter/T4/Pikemen/T4
Crafting Level & Type:Alchemist/4
Support Class & Items:T2Engi/Buying PLatform/(In process of leveling to t3)|t3 Medic/Surgeon Kit
Other: Reason for joining is because i need a more active group of players, and i see you all on most of the time.