Nice models and textures Senni .
You can make those by sculpting a highpoly mesh and bake normals from that into the lowpoly mesh which you're going to use in warband. Or maybe you can use a black and white symbol-pattern and create a normal map from that and merge this with your normal map.
Also i suggest you to take screnshots of your model in warband since it looks better than openbrf(sometimes normal maps dont work). Also dont forget to make shader quality high ingame options.
You can make those by sculpting a highpoly mesh and bake normals from that into the lowpoly mesh which you're going to use in warband. Or maybe you can use a black and white symbol-pattern and create a normal map from that and merge this with your normal map.
Also i suggest you to take screnshots of your model in warband since it looks better than openbrf(sometimes normal maps dont work). Also dont forget to make shader quality high ingame options.
Attack of the smileys! Beware!