15-10-2015, 03:09 PM
not saying it shouldn't be done but the xp cuts and mat drop cuts, it would be equally as grindy.
if the xp where to stay at normal level people would play easy not normal, and normal mode has 1xp on some bots as it is
if the xp where to stay at normal level people would play easy not normal, and normal mode has 1xp on some bots as it is
52 - Chosen Marksmen
52 - Royal Guard
52 - Marauder
52 - Warden
Irish to Turtle "Get away from me with that hat on"
Elmo "Well yeah you are just drowning it with oxygen"
52 - Royal Guard
52 - Marauder
52 - Warden
Irish to Turtle "Get away from me with that hat on"
Elmo "Well yeah you are just drowning it with oxygen"