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WTS: Dwarf Axe
Got 2 Axe's So i want to sell 1 or maybe 2
Looking for Bolt Tosser Hurricane bow Worm Bane Ebony/Elmwood Arrows Brass/Tracker
[Image: 34dda1c0d3af247737e4e2144910e5a7.png]
Swing damage 64c
Weight 5
Spd rtng 101
Weapon length 90
-Bonus Against Shields

I will do
Dwarf Axe For Fang of Fenrir + 4m
Dwarf Axe For Bolt Tosser
Dwarf Axe For Hurricane + 3m
Dwarf Axe + ? For Eastern Katana
Dwarf Axe + Sharpthorn + Black Armor For Ullrs Bane/Stag Bow
Dwarf Axe + Sharpthorn + Black Armor + Fearsome Knight Helmet For Valsgarde

Messages In This Thread
WTS: Dwarf Axe - by DR. - 18-10-2015, 05:01 AM
Re: WTS: Dwarf Axe - by DR. - 19-10-2015, 05:04 AM

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