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WTK: Halogi's Torch / WTB: Headcrusher
I know that Halogi's Torch is basically an upgraded version of Headcrusher (Plus it looks a lot cooler) but I have absolutely no idea what people value them at. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Big Grin

Offering pure cash for the Headcrusher - PM me.
Characters:                                               Crafting:
Dagon - 52 Zweihander (Hero)                   Armorsmith Lvl 17
Dagon_II - 52 Chosen Marksman (Hero)      Alchemist Lvl 18
Dagon_III - 32 Heavy Skirmisher (T3)         Blacksmith Lvl 15
Dagon_IV - 33 Heavy Longbowman (T3)     Support Lvl 15

(Dates are in DD/MM/YYYY)
Bulwark of Swadia 04/10/2015

Messages In This Thread
WTK: Halogi's Torch / WTB: Headcrusher - by Dagon - 25-10-2015, 04:39 PM

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