29-10-2015, 02:55 PM
i kinda get where your at but i don't agree, the fact they are available via market place allows players to easily gain them rather than making them and having to level a crafting tree to gain them.
they bows as you progress are decent enough to perform in the servers that you will be going in to.
I would recommend going armoursmith as archer also due to bows being a lot cheaper than the armours. if you can make the armours you can save your mats as you level.
they bows as you progress are decent enough to perform in the servers that you will be going in to.
I would recommend going armoursmith as archer also due to bows being a lot cheaper than the armours. if you can make the armours you can save your mats as you level.
52 - Chosen Marksmen
52 - Royal Guard
52 - Marauder
52 - Warden
Irish to Turtle "Get away from me with that hat on"
Elmo "Well yeah you are just drowning it with oxygen"
52 - Royal Guard
52 - Marauder
52 - Warden
Irish to Turtle "Get away from me with that hat on"
Elmo "Well yeah you are just drowning it with oxygen"