26-11-2015, 03:39 AM
what rampa added/fixed:
-line pattern on bottom ridge
-some bits and bobs on the texture
-moved the bascinet front part back
-(made the original model/texture)
what I added/fixed:
-added a little swadian symbol on the faceplate screws and flattened them
-added sharpening lines to help correct some of the lighting smudgyness and make parts of the helmet look "sharper" (i.e. faceplate, bottom ridge, etc.)
-adjusted coif placement and edited coif shape
-added brightened edges on the faceplate and bolts of the faceplate to make them stand out better against the general darkness of the bascinet
comparison shots:
side: http://puu.sh/lz0QR/94f8a552a0.jpg
front: http://puu.sh/lz0SL/9814bee4ea.jpg
canted front: http://puu.sh/lz0Vv/9625511cfe.jpg
in-game: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.co...255A81FDB/
what rampa added/fixed:
-line pattern on bottom ridge
-some bits and bobs on the texture
-moved the bascinet front part back
-(made the original model/texture)
what I added/fixed:
-added a little swadian symbol on the faceplate screws and flattened them
-added sharpening lines to help correct some of the lighting smudgyness and make parts of the helmet look "sharper" (i.e. faceplate, bottom ridge, etc.)
-adjusted coif placement and edited coif shape
-added brightened edges on the faceplate and bolts of the faceplate to make them stand out better against the general darkness of the bascinet
comparison shots:
side: http://puu.sh/lz0QR/94f8a552a0.jpg
front: http://puu.sh/lz0SL/9814bee4ea.jpg
canted front: http://puu.sh/lz0Vv/9625511cfe.jpg
in-game: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.co...255A81FDB/
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen me winter because it'll piss him off