29-11-2015, 05:59 PM
Player name: JordanDMK
Character ID: 2468995
Age: 16
Level and Class of Main: 52 Master Peltast
Other characters levels/classes: 34 Sergeant
Steam name: JordanDMK
Where are you from: England
How long you play Nord Invasion and Mount&Blade: Over a year, but I took a long break.
Why do you want to join us: Looking for active people who I can enjoy the game with.
Character ID: 2468995
Age: 16
Level and Class of Main: 52 Master Peltast
Other characters levels/classes: 34 Sergeant
Steam name: JordanDMK
Where are you from: England
How long you play Nord Invasion and Mount&Blade: Over a year, but I took a long break.
Why do you want to join us: Looking for active people who I can enjoy the game with.