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Reset inactivity timer when an attack is blocked
Has it actually happened to you or someone in your game since 1.0.2?  Given those conditions that you have listed there?  Or does it just happen to people who don't want to move all game? 

I have not seen a single wave go on for the amount of time for the AFK timer, without having to tome multiple times because of nearly wiping, in over a year.

And if it is to dangerous and long for you to try and kill the ranged as a shield wall,  WHY are you not repairing your shields after the wave.  I repair my shields after any wave that has cracked them in the slightest.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

Messages In This Thread
Re: Reset inactivity timer when an attack is blocked - by Sargent Q - 11-01-2016, 05:20 PM

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