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Reset inactivity timer when an attack is blocked
I am a shielding main, having both an rg and a pavise. I have NO trouble at all with exp because i move out and help clean up ranged at the end of waves. There is no problem whatsoever with being active as a shielder. Shielders do not equal barricades. If you can be replaced with a simple cade and the results are just as good I dont believe your job as a shielder is being done effectively. And as for healing its as simple as just swapping roles with someone every other wave or so. Although healing for all waves is useful it most certainly isn't a requirement and the activity timer could be negated all together just by swapping every round or so with a friend so you can go kill nords as well
[Image: 76561198056190414.png]
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Re: Reset inactivity timer when an attack is blocked - by Fury - 11-01-2016, 06:06 PM

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