How do we get more players? Its simple, just get people to make video content for nordinvasion, and make them entertaining, or just tell your friends to tell other friends. I don't think adding ingame content will get more players to come in, but it could effect people to persuade more people to join in the fun. I myself tried to get my friend to play this game. He ended up trying out nordinvasion, but he just didn't like the game. So, i think we just need different ways to introduce people to play, like making video content. I mean, have you seen youtubers, like vanoss, or like, pewdiepie? All of thier videosjust make you WANT to play the games.
December 20th, 2015 Impervious
February 8th, 2018 Gothic gauntlets
December 20th, 2019 Fang of Fenrir