Legendary Items Prices
I have decide to do this thread because a lot of people ask me about prices of legendary items so i hope that this thread can help the community about the current price of leggendary items.
NOTE: 1)Legendary items prices can change quickly and their price are decided by the majority of players that own them.
2) ?=Items that i 'm not sure on prices or that i dont know how much they cost.
3) help me please to fill or confirm the items with ? and to correct my other mystake
4)guys this post was made to give an approximate idea of the leggendary price does not take the values of this post as true at 100% because you can find the legendary at a higher price or lower than the one reported here above
1 Handed
Name: Price(in mil):
Dragon Axe 2+
Fell Edge 15
Fang of Fenrir 15
Illustrious 10
Dreaded War Pick 12
Ragnar's Wrath 8-10
Halogi's Torch 18
Steel Stinger 8-10
Swadia's Wrath 8-10?
2 Handed
Name: Price(in mil):
Dwarf Axe 13
Ancient Greatsword 30+
Volundr Greatsword 50?
Legacy 15
Durendal 30
Mjolnir 35
Eastern Katana 20
Bastard Sword
Name: Price(in mil):
Worm Bane 1.5-2
Aurora Blade 6-8?
Name: Price(in mil):
Thunder Pike 8-10
Dragon Spear 10
Dragon Halberd 12
Sun Pike 6
Mangler 20
Naval Glaive 15
Jormungandr 25
Pike of Kings 40
Name: Price(in mil):
Dragon Breath 20-25
Twig of Yggdrasil 40+
Rupturer 50
Bow and Arrows
Name: Price(in mil):
Fiendish 10-12
Hurricane 18
Ullrs Bane 35
Stag Bow 40
Tempest 50
Black Arrows 30
Crossbow and Bolts
Name: Price(in mil):
Bolt Tosser 18
Penetrator 30
Eagle Crossbow 35
Dead Shot 40+
Onyx Bolts 20-22
Name: Price(in mil):
Fearsome Knight Helmet 12
Knight Helmet 12
Grinder Helmet 0.1-0.2
Gothic Plate 60
Black Gothic Plate 60
Leather Overmail 6
Brigadine Plated Heraldic 20-28
Brigadine Plated Black 20-28
Brigadine Plated Red 20-28
Plate Over Leather 40-50
Tiger Scale Armour 35-40
Studded Gauntlets 15
Noble Steel Gauntlets 15
Vagabond 15
Valsgarde Helmet 35+
Eastern Full Scale 40+
Thanos Legacy 7-8
White Dragon Helmet 6
Winged Helmet 7
White Winged Helmet 4-5
Dragon Helmet 6
Royal Winged Helmet 20
Barbutte With Coif 6-8
Dark Steel Shynbaulds 6
Steel Shynbaulds 6
Ornate Crusader Helmet 10-12Heavy Salet 17
Leviathans treads 7
Name: Price(in mil):
Impervious 20
Bulwark of Swadia 25
Tower Shield 6
Shield of Kings 20
Legendary loots:
Sun Pike 02/01/2015
Ancient Great Sword 27/08/2015
Mjolnir 03/03/2018
Dead Shot 30/05/2018
Defender Boots 14/02/2021
Dragon Axe 04/02/2025
Thanos Legacy 10/02/2025
Pike of Kings 15/02/2025
Pride 17/02/2025
Sun Pike 02/01/2015
Ancient Great Sword 27/08/2015
Mjolnir 03/03/2018
Dead Shot 30/05/2018
Defender Boots 14/02/2021
Dragon Axe 04/02/2025
Thanos Legacy 10/02/2025
Pike of Kings 15/02/2025
Pride 17/02/2025