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[SoN] The Scourge of Norsca - (Recruiting) (EU/NA)
Player nameTongueK_Ragnar
Character ID(s):2480377,2488813,2520235
Age: 15
Level and Class of Main:52 Pikeman
Other characters levels/classes: 32/Sarg 18/Archer
Steam name: Raghatgamer
Where are you from:USA
How long have you played Nord Invasion: 1 year off and on
Why do you want to join us: I want to have a fun NI clan to stay in and have fun in.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [SoN] The Scourge of Norsca - (Recruiting) (EU/NA) - by Ragnur - 26-06-2016, 10:15 PM

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