10-07-2016, 03:31 AM
Player name: Fergus_II
Character ID(s): Dimitri_Asgrov : 2495058 Fergus : 2521639 Fergus_II : 2521856
Age: 17
Level and Class of Main: 42 Pikeman (At the time of applying)
Other characters levels/classes: Dimitri_Asgrov 22 Heavy Infantry, Fergus 18 LongBowman
Steam name: Hotshot2250(Account name) Hotshot (Display)
Where are you from: USA East Coast
How long have you played Nord Invasion: Created my first character about a year or two ago. But haven't gotten engrossed it until recently.
Why do you want to join us: I have a few friends in the clan. Realz, Ragnar, Jordiac, Pierce, and maybe a few others that i forgot about. And I have been wanting to join a respectable house for some time.
Character ID(s): Dimitri_Asgrov : 2495058 Fergus : 2521639 Fergus_II : 2521856
Age: 17
Level and Class of Main: 42 Pikeman (At the time of applying)
Other characters levels/classes: Dimitri_Asgrov 22 Heavy Infantry, Fergus 18 LongBowman
Steam name: Hotshot2250(Account name) Hotshot (Display)
Where are you from: USA East Coast
How long have you played Nord Invasion: Created my first character about a year or two ago. But haven't gotten engrossed it until recently.
Why do you want to join us: I have a few friends in the clan. Realz, Ragnar, Jordiac, Pierce, and maybe a few others that i forgot about. And I have been wanting to join a respectable house for some time.