(13-07-2016, 08:32 PM)ON_Glenn Wrote: I remember that idea. I also remember that the event went pretty well.Actually, all that is required to do so is a small group of heroes able to shield for the team and supply it with top tier support items. Then it's just enough to join a normal server, go spec and wait for low tier players to fill the spots.
Maybe a nice feature to repeat this event.
The problem for new players to win the run is that they haven't got gear and skill to hold enemy long enough, no tomes to save the run when it's close to a wipe and too low the DPS. The NI Team created the Beginner difficulty to lower the bar, which IMO is a great idea, still I do not see Beginner runs too often, unfortunately. I think the trouble is the newbies prefer to join a Normal run since it gives more XP and then they can't handle it if there are no veterans to carry. Then when they fail several times in a row they get weary.
The conclusion is: get 3 or 4 veteran friends via Steam to join a Normal run together, nothing special required, best help to newbies is simply a public run with a good chance to succeed.
@ Winter and Woody: perhaps that's stupid but maybe there should be a medal award for those who recruit new players? You know, like there used to be mvp medals for official events... 1k gold is probably not very apealing (especially to vets with 100m+ budgets), a badge of appreciation might be more rewarding for some, just for some satisfaction. It might also be worth a moment of consideration if not to establish a medal award / title / whatsoever for a general engagement in the community, promoting the values, helping others etc.