19-07-2016, 09:43 AM
Player name: Godrik
Character ID(s): 24307, 2479661
Age: 18
Level and Class of Main: 52 Chosen Marksman (crossbow)
Other characters levels/classes: 30 Heavy Skirmisher
Steam name: Medik (profile)
Where are you from: Czech Republic
How long have you played Nord Invasion: I have played M&B for almost three years. Then I had stopped and returned after long time. I have over 800 hours on steam and significant amount is NI.
Why do you want to join us: Slaying Nords is more fun with other people
Character ID(s): 24307, 2479661
Age: 18
Level and Class of Main: 52 Chosen Marksman (crossbow)
Other characters levels/classes: 30 Heavy Skirmisher
Steam name: Medik (profile)
Where are you from: Czech Republic
How long have you played Nord Invasion: I have played M&B for almost three years. Then I had stopped and returned after long time. I have over 800 hours on steam and significant amount is NI.
Why do you want to join us: Slaying Nords is more fun with other people