Player name: Rylisth
Character ID: 2506164
Age: 22
Level and Class of Main: 41, Commando
Other characters levels/classes: Klaedon-52/Warden
Steam name: dragon-tofu
Where are you from: NA
How long you play Nord Invasion and Mount&Blade: About 6 months (total, but not consecutively due to school and work)
Why do you want to join us: I just want a nice house to join and to interact with (Plus you guys have a great banner!)
Character ID: 2506164
Age: 22
Level and Class of Main: 41, Commando
Other characters levels/classes: Klaedon-52/Warden
Steam name: dragon-tofu
Where are you from: NA
How long you play Nord Invasion and Mount&Blade: About 6 months (total, but not consecutively due to school and work)
Why do you want to join us: I just want a nice house to join and to interact with (Plus you guys have a great banner!)