(26-08-2016, 10:55 PM)XXX Wrote: productive purpose = ask people if they actully like this change... as in the Vote asked ^^ read it carfully pls...
cool that he admitt his mistake.... but if thats the way hes admitting a mistake well... no commend ^^
this thread is basicly the same then the one about defender armour...
have fun to anyone who gets the armour back he actully payed for... i sold mine and will get an upgrade soon
Productive purpose = bringing about change. Complaining and having more people complain =/= productive purpose. I read very carefully, thank you. A poll in and of itself is not productive.
The part you quoted was a very nice part in which he admitted to a mistake and said he will fix it. If anything, you should have quoted the part where he tells you to grow up. That, like the way you have been talking, would be considered rude.
/closed hue hue