13-11-2016, 05:13 PM
Which Region are you from, EU/NA/AU?: EU (UK)
Character Name/s: DAW_MajorBocan_Zwei, DAW_MajorPikey
Class & Level: 52 - Zwei
52 - Warden
Do you have Teamspeak 3 and access to the Nord Invasion server? Yes
Age: 16
Character ID: 2516100, 2517096
Steam Name: MajorBocan
Character Name/s: DAW_MajorBocan_Zwei, DAW_MajorPikey
Class & Level: 52 - Zwei
52 - Warden
Do you have Teamspeak 3 and access to the Nord Invasion server? Yes
Age: 16
Character ID: 2516100, 2517096
Steam Name: MajorBocan