30-11-2016, 07:22 PM
Ingame Name: The name of your character(s) Secan
Level: The level of your character(s) 52, 46-Xbow
Class: The main class of your character(s) Pikeman
Steam Username: Eases the communication. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024070214/
Age: Your real life age 17
Members Vouching for You: You've already met some TH members e.g. on TS or played with some in-game? You were recruited by a TH member? Faravin
Level: The level of your character(s) 52, 46-Xbow
Class: The main class of your character(s) Pikeman
Steam Username: Eases the communication. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024070214/
Age: Your real life age 17
Members Vouching for You: You've already met some TH members e.g. on TS or played with some in-game? You were recruited by a TH member? Faravin