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WTC Steel Gauntlets and Dark Heavy Steel Greaves
Need to craft  Steel Gauntlets and Dark Heavy Steel Greaves 26 lvl Defender House

ty for Woody
 Ł̶Í̶Ť̶Ț̶Ł̶Ĕ̶_̶Đ̶Ē̶V̶Ì̶Ĺ̶*̶ DB_Wormhole* ●Support 27 lvl
DB_Xamka* (MP, Siege Eng.) ●Blacksmith 26lvl 
DB_Dancing_Shielder* (RG, MasterSurgeon)
●Armorsmith 29 lvl
DB_Angry_Swadian_Nurse* (Repeater, MS) 
DB_Dancing_Pumpkin_Cub* (Warden, MS) ●Alchemist 35

Messages In This Thread
WTC Steel Gauntlets and Dark Heavy Steel Greaves - by Black_Kitten* - 31-12-2016, 12:35 AM

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