22-01-2017, 11:33 PM
well, i am the one that booted you out of the CC event skan, and i did it because i still think it is horrible, if the loots and rewards in this mod were dependant on skill, i would not really care too much, but the loot system in nordinvasion sucks from a certain point of view, its nice that everyone has an equal chance, but it is horrible that the people doing absolutely nothing has the same chance as the people carrying the runs, this does also mean that people who has the money, but dont want to grind out the actual items, may buy them with real money, this makes another problem, that the ingame market may now be controlled by the people willing to use money to get their items, i currently know of 2 people who sits on quite alot of wealth that they should not, just because they paid real life money, and by doing this, they actually destroy the market, since the random chance to earn wealth, have now instead of being luck, has been bought, this sickens me to the very core. i know alot of the elder players feel the same way, and i think its bullshit we removed the rule, but again, people who does it will still be less in my eyes, and as far as possible im gonna avoid dealing with them as much as possible.