26-06-2012, 11:36 PM
Ok two days ago I accidentaly pressed reset to default ingame because I was lagging. I'm not sure if that caused this, but whenever I go onto my page on the WS it says I am lvl 1 with 100 gold and all the default starting items, no XP and I am a recruit again. But whenever I get on a server all my stuff and gold and weapons and armor is as it was two days ago. So now I cant convert my Assist XP and cannot level up or buy new weapons because No matter how much I play, I dont get any gold for my account or Assist XP for my account. I hope you guys can restore my previous page because I had gotten quite far. and no, I didnt click on respet or what ever it is called when you reset all your stuff. This makes me angry, so please fix this.