Grandmaster Halberdier Studded Leather, Same crafing cost as Eastern Scale Armour, Gold Lamellar Armour, Fulcrum Armour and Chainmail Over Leather
What are the stats btw?
08/15/16 - White Dragon Helmet
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy