(16-03-2017, 05:52 PM)Gabb Wrote: Character Name: GabbSince ReMz is vouching for you, we'll skip the trial period. Welcome to Clan Cameron!
Class & Level: Heavy Longbowman, level 32
Support / Tier: Engineer, Tier 2 Apprentice
Age: 17
Steam Name: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012323155/
Character ID: 2525016
(17-03-2017, 10:18 PM)Cyserox Wrote: Character Name: CyseroApplication pending. You are welcome to join our house events on Saturdays and Sundays at 15 EDT / 19 GMT. Once we've gotten to know you a bit, we will make the final decision on membership.
Class & Level:Sharpshoter: Level 50
Support / Tier: Engineer : Tier four
Age: 20
Steam Name: Elfenz
Character ID: 2469641
A quick note about daylight saving since I've posted times in the transition period:
Our events are scheduled around 19 GMT (and next Sunday, 19 BST). Since NA has already switched to summer time, the NA starting time is an hour later. Next Sunday when the rest of the world has summer time, NA will be back to 14 EDT.
CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...