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Idea for more fun on long term play
(20-08-2017, 02:44 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote:
(19-08-2017, 11:25 PM)jpdesjardins Wrote:
(19-08-2017, 04:02 PM)Malong Wrote:
(19-08-2017, 04:37 AM)jpdesjardins Wrote: Is it back-pedaling admitting the situation has changed?

-No events anymore;
-Hardly any full game anymore;
-All the prices have literally doubled on the AH.

These points are intimately related since, if you can’t find a full game, you won’t get much assist experience for gold. Alright, we can counter that by farming the materials all by yourself. But then what? It took me 5 months to build my wall and I saw the constant decrease in the amount of player during that time. Will there be anyone left when I’m done with my next objective? Everything takes more time than before.

Yes, it's still back-pedaling because the principle remains the same. You lead to what is claimed to be a disproportionate amount of items/materials being created and in circulation. Also you don't mention that many of the players that left the community were at the stage of the game where they had no interest in crafting, and those items/materials were, at the time, distributed to the smaller percentage of the population that wanted them. Not the percentage of players that want the materials are higher, but drops are less frequent at an (ideally) linear rate.

Honestly, I don't care if drop rates are increased. But this situation and its problems should have been easily foreseen. But it runs completely counter to the reason that drop rates were nerfed for fewer players. I just like pointing out the hypocrisy.

(19-08-2017, 04:37 AM)jpdesjardins Wrote: I’m not a rocket-scientist in economy, but I’m quite sure that NI has been in recession for a long time now. By increasing the stock on the auction house, the prices will inevitably go down. 

What? A recession means a decreasing GDP for two straight quarters.

You say you’re not opposed yet you bring the feeling of the veteran players who left months ago. Indeed, I didn’t bring the reason why they left since I was not active during that time. I started the thread so things could move on by stating what I believe are facts. I must not be 100% wrong since a few people have agreed so far.
As for the recession thing, I restarted playing 5 months ago and the prices from what I remember had already doubled, so I think it’s a good guess to say they have doubled for a good 8 months and thing didn’t just happen instantly but more over the time.
Furthermore, I’m pretty sure that most people understood what I meant by that but if you insist on the use of the nomenclature. Since the prices for most the materials have literally doubled, you need more cash, but if there’s less player around in the games, you won’t get much gold since the assist experience will be much lower. Therefore, less thing will be bought from the auction house and the amount made will be overall lower. A lower gross domestic product made from auction house.
Yes veteran players can always use their big stock of material, which they actually do. Just for instance, I’ve seen the Nkabank sell Sulphur for 150k gold, but then again, they were around 50k gold back then (no hard feeling against that clan, just implying the rise in price touch everyone).
Call it hypocrisies from them or whatever may please you, but as I said, some have already agreed that there’s a problem related to the drop rate and if the solution isn’t increase the rate, well the thread is open to discussion and I’d like to hear your idea so people can enjoy the game again on the long term, veteran and new players left.

I was agreeing with you up until the point when you started using Nka's prices as an example  Big Grin. He price gouges everyone on the AH. That's a piss poor example. Anyone can buy out the AH and then double the item price, great way to make money if you have the gold. If drop rates are too low then there won't be enough dropping to keep the prices low though.

Meh, that name just strikes my mind somehow, that's all. Just wanted to point it out that it could be anyone.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Idea for more fun on long term play - by DR. - 07-08-2017, 06:58 AM
RE: Idea for more fun on long term play - by DR. - 17-08-2017, 11:55 AM
RE: Idea for more fun on long term play - by jpdesjardins - 20-08-2017, 03:14 AM
RE: Idea for more fun on long term play - by DR. - 20-08-2017, 04:17 AM
RE: Idea for more fun on long term play - by DR. - 23-08-2017, 03:06 AM
RE: Idea for more fun on long term play - by DR. - 25-08-2017, 07:02 AM

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