02-09-2017, 06:01 AM
The worst thing that has happened to this game was making 4 classes...well besides real-world trading. Class locks went wonky abound everywhere and the hoplite's hitbox doesn't even work. Sentry is pointless. Juggernaught well....c'mon really there's RG just throw it a buff although buffing has gone way too grossly too far in the game already. Repeaterman is also counter-intuitive because there is chosen marksman which is a marksman that specializes in crossbows and should be able to fire them all if he is the master of them ffs.
With all the items in the game I can think of an example for each type where there is so minor of a difference that there is hardly a use for it...just to have it rather. Items are overabundant and redundancy becomes the issue.
With all the items in the game I can think of an example for each type where there is so minor of a difference that there is hardly a use for it...just to have it rather. Items are overabundant and redundancy becomes the issue.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Legio - RG - Halbradier
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